Saturday, April 12, 2008

Working on Thing #20

I watched the Common Craft video and set up a Facebook account. I sent requests to be friends to my husband, daughter, and a coworker. Then, I left the house for three hours. When I returned, I found e-mails from my husband and daughter--they accepted my friend invitation and wrote on my wall. I also found friend invitations from my nephew and one of my kids' friends.

As I've been writing this, I've been poked and poked back (pretty dumb!) and I wrote on a wall. I've also been tagged in a photo on a my husband's Facebook account! I can see that if you add a lot of friends, you could spend way too much time on this!

I joined the group Librarians and Facebook and the American Library Association group.

I looked at MySpace and then viewed the Denver and Hennepin County MySpace pages. Both were very impressive!

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