Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Gadgets - Thing #25

I read through several of the Thing directions last Saturday and felt overwhelmed! So, I returned to my Thing #24 strategy of working through a single Thing element per day.

I used Google Gadgets for Thing #25. The directions were absolutely clear and easy to follow. I added and subtracted gadgets until I ended up with an "on this day in history" gadget, a local weather report, a National Geographic photo of the day, and a news feed.

I rejected a game gadget before I tried the game. The gadget image moved and flashed in a way I found too distracting when viewing the blog. I tried a number of news gadget, but some of them weren't working.


Carolnb said...

I tried that weather gadget then changed to another one that let me change the default to St Paul versus New York.

I like the day in history gadget.

Carolnb said...

I also like the National Geographic Photos.